


Provides every transplant center throughout the United States the opportunity to access their TREX transplant dashboard which shows important referral data through the TREX platform. TREX Lite provides the following features below.

Quick Look at Features

  • Active Referrals to Date
  • Faxed Referrals Today
  • Days since Last TREX Referral
  • Historical Referrals
  • Clinics Actively referring to you center
  • Clinics not actively referring to you center

In addition to viewing the transplant center dashboard, transplant center will also have the following capabilities:

  • Configure transplant referral application and supporting document requirements
  • Configure patient-facing Transplant Center TREX Compare Chart which includes:
    • Absolute and relative contraindications viewable by dialysis providers and patients
    • Support programs offered to perspective recipients pre and post-transplant
    • List of minimum evaluation tests, procedures, labs required to complete prior to waitlisting (more tests may be needed to meet waitlisting status).
    • Internal TREX Metrics
    • SRTR Metrics
    • Transplant center attributes unique to each center.
    • Click here to learn more about TREX Compare